adjacent settlements who enjoyed his ministrations are among the most intelligent and best-informed to be found in the province. (History of Presbyterianism on Prince Edward Island, the Rev. John
MacLeod, 1904).
The Rev. George B. MacLeod 1891-1894
The Rev. George B. MacLeod was ordained by the Presbytery of P.E.I. on September 8, 1891 and Stanhope was his first charge; he was here until 1894. He held pastorates at Newcastle, Ontario; Westville, N .S.; First Presbyterian Church, Truro, N .S.; Central Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minnesota; and Deer Park, Toronto.
The Rev. W.T.D. Moss 1896- 1897
The Rev. W.T.D. Moss was inducted at Marshfield on May 21, 1895 and was here from 1896-1897 and ministered at Pictou, N.S. from
The Rev. Jacob Layton 1897-1901
The Rev. Jacob Layton was born on March 21, 1840 the son of Charles Layton and Mary Fleming, in Folleigh, now Glenholme, N .S. After teaching for several years, he studied at the Presbyterian Seminary at Truro, NS. and at Dalhousie University; he entered the Presbyterian College, Halifax in 1866, was licensed in 1869, and ordained by the Presbytery of Truro. His first charge, in 1871 was at Coldstream, N.S. In 1876 he was called to Warwick Church, Bermuda, returning to Nova Scotia in 1879, serving Elmsdale and Nine Mile River for 17 years. In 1896 he was called to Marshfield and Covehead, and served here until 1901, going to a union charge in Oakfield and Oldham, N .S. In 1919 he retired to Glenholme, N .S. Where on September 15, 1931 he died peacefully in the room in which he was
The Rev. William H. Spencer 1901-1914
The Rev. William H. Spencer was born at Great Village, N.S. on June 6, 1855. He was educated at the local school and at Pictou Academy,'then at Dalhousie University; his theological training was at Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax and Princeton Seminary, N .J . He was ordained at Georgetown, P.E.I. in October, 1881 and served as pastor at Montague for 14 years. He was minister at Marshfield and Covehead from 1901-1914; he retired before Church Union and died in Charlottetown about 1921.
The Rev. Frank Stewart Coffin 1915-1916 The Rev. Frank Stewart Coffin was born in Mt. Stewart in October,