The records of West Covehead Church show that on November 2, 1905, Ralph Carr Sr., was elected elder for Stanhope and was in office at the Anniversary in 1906. There is no further record of elders of Stanhope Church until July 11, 1954 when Lloyd Shaw was elected. Horace Marshall was installed as an elder that same day. They

served as elders for many years, and are both now Honorary Elders. Mrs. Russell Allan was elected in 1972 for Stanhope and is still serving

as such: she is also Clerk of Session. The other Stanhope elders are

Mrs. Bruce Ellis elected in 1978, and Alvin MacLauchlan elected in 1983.

Stanhope Church Organists

Our first organ was purchased at the turn of the century, and in 1902, It was agreed to suggest the payment of a small salary to the organist of each church. (West Covehead minute book). The first offiCial appointed organist at Stanhope was apparently Mrs. Ira Carr, in 1903; and before that the organ was played by Ethel MacDonald (sister of Mrs. George Shaw, Sr.) and Mrs. Herbert Alexander.-

Our senior citizens remember the following persons playing the organ for services:

Mrs. Allie Mutch Miss Tillie Brodie

Mrs. Louis Marshall Frank Bovyer

Jean Shaw Mrs. Ruby Hudson Blanche Shaw The Rev. Thomas Wilson Mrs. Thomas Wilson Miss Helen Wilson

Mrs. Percy Douglas Mrs. Bert (Eleanor) Misener Mrs. Frank Auld Mrs. Bert Reed (Nan Auld)

The present organist, Mrs. Warren Marshall (Marion Brown) began in 1952 and is still going strong, a well-beloved, talented musician; and Noreen Shaw is the very capable assistant organist. For an appreciation of Marion Marshall, please see the article prepared by the Stanhope U.C.W. in the Marshall family history.

Caretakers and Janitors of Stanhope Church

The people who lived close to the church were those who volunteered to clean the church, light the lamps and the fire. If there was enough money they were paid for their services, but more often than not there was only enough for the minister. Wood for the stove was usually donated.

George Lawson, who lived directly across the road from the church, was the first janitor. Malcolm MacLeod later took over the job; he lived where Bruce Ellis is now. George Marshall, Bert Misener