and Warren Marshall were caretakers for years; and for the last number of years Horace Marshall has been a most faithful custodian.

Stanhope Sunday School

The first known record of Sunday School in this area is found in a letter written by Walter Johnstone, quoted by DC. Harvey in Journeys to the Island of St. John:

August 1820 —— Johnstone established a School at DeSable, left for Cove Head on Monday, August 21 by a new road, unbroken, which tried him severely for three days. In Cove Head he found an old established settlement and was instrumental in starting two Sunday Schools, which carried on successfully throughout his sojourn on the Island J ohnstone was a shoemaker from Dumfries who wrote letters to his minister in Scotland describing life on the Island. It is interesting to note that at this time Sunday Schools were apparently for adults, religious instruction for children being carried out in the home.

In June, 1890 J .G. MacCallum and DH. Auld were appointed as Sunday School Superintendents for Stanhope (from the West Cove- head minute book), followed in 1906 by Mrs. Bruce Leitch; the next one mentioned, in 1909, was Malcolm S. Kielly. Records are scanty, but Sunday School was held in Stanhope from May to October in 1936, and from May to September in 1937. It was reorganized in the 1950s, largely through the efforts of Edith Marshall and Thelma Douglas; we have attendance records for 1952-53, but there are no further details until 1960; since then superintendents have included Mrs. Lewis Kielly, Mrs. Lloyd Howatt, Harry Kielly, Mrs. Alvin MacLauchlan, Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, Mrs. Ralph Carr, Mrs. Bruce Ellis, Mrs. Harry Lawson, Mrs. Bill Cameron, Gordon Ellis and at present Mrs. Peggy Honsberger.

Sunday School teachers over the years have included just about everyone in the congregation. Christmas Concerts and White Gift Services have been a regular feature of the Sunday School. At one such concert in 1960 there was a speech of welcome by Doris Chappell, recitations by Linda Douglas, Robert MacLauchlan, Allison Ellis, Roger MacLauchlan, Barry Ross, Alan MacLauchlan, Howard Ellis

and Donnie Johnston; an exercise by Blair MacLauchlan, Gordon Ellis, Donnie Ellis and Ronnie Johnston; solos by Heather and Donna Marshall, and Barry Ross; a duet by Gladys Chappell and Frances Peterson; and a chorus by the senior girls: Laura Misener, Barbara MacMillan, Audrey Douglas, Hilda Chappell. There was a dialogue by Irene Ellis and Linus Misener, and the senior girls