Lawrence Brown and his son John, "Neil, Mai and Dun Shaw ", Alexander Marshall , Peter Leech , Cornelius Higgins , James Curtis and wife Elizabeth Lawson and William Lawson . Mrs. Catherine MacKay was buried here in 1790; for an account of her funeral Odyssey please see the section on Transportation. Following the "Yankee Gale" of October 3-5, 1851, a number of dead sailors from the wrecked fishing boats were washed up on the beach at Stanhope ; they were collected with horse and cart and buried in the cemetery, mainly by the efforts of Alexander MacMillan . Not all the people buried here remain: in the 1880 s some 18 bodies were exhumed by their relatives and taken by horse and wagon to Brackley Point and Portage cemeteries, to be re-interred there. The Shaw Cemetery This small cemetery is on the , between Jenkin's campground and the cottage sub-division, opposite the Stanhope Golf and Country Club; it was part of the Shaw family farm. The first burial was that of Sarah Cameron , who came to the Island on the Rambler in 1806. She was the daughter of Alexander Cameron and wife of Neil Shaw ; she was very homesick for her native Scotland and wanted to return and be buried there, but instead chose to be Shaw Cemetery in Stanhope on the Bay Parks Canada ??? Joe Hickey 90