Rural Regional High School. Grades 9 to 12 were taught in this school. In September, 1973 West Covehead and schools were closed and Stanhope became a consolidated school as part of the East Royalty Area Schools. Children were bussed to Stanhope from West Covehead and , and the playroom in the base?? ment was converted into a third classroom; this school now taught grades 1 to 6. At this time Stonepark Junior High School was established in Sherwood for grades 7-9; students in grades 10-12 still attended Rural Regional High School. In 1983 a new elementary school named L.M. Montgomery School was built in East Royalty . Children living in Stanhope have the option of attending this new school or of attending Stanhope and Grand Tracadie schools which are now "twinned", with Grades 1, 2 and 3 attending Stanhope School, and Grades 4, 5 and 6 going to Grand Tracadie . School Group L-R: Anna MacAulay , Helena Horgan , Cordelia Marshall , Helen Lawson , Rose Birt , Muriel MacGregor-teacher , Horace Marshall , William MacAulay , Russell Lawson , Thomas Horgan . L-R: Jack Horgan , Malcolm MacLauchlan , Edith MacLauchlan , Mabel Lawson , Mike Horgan, Bea Marshall, Joseph MacAulay , Edgar Marshall , Walter Mac ?? Lauchlan, Vincent MacAulay. E. MacCallum coll. 97