The following is a list of the teachers at Stanhope School, the years they taught, and the comments made by the School Visitor or School Inspector of this time.
184 1
185 1 1854
1855 1856
1858 186 1 1862 1863
COVEHJEAD SCHOOL; E.J. McCormack. This school consisting of 35 scholars, average attendance, has been opened this year for the first time under the present teacher and in consequence the children are all in the first stage of their education.
COVEHEAD SCHOOL; E.J. McCormack. 41 pupils. The school house is in bad repair. There is a need for books.
COVEHEAD SCHOOL; E.J. McCormack. 36‘ pupils. The school house is small and uncomfortable. The attendance here is irregular; there is an insufficient amount of books.
COVEHEAD SCHOOL; E.J. McCormack. 36 pupils, state of school satisfactory; state of schoolhouse — sufficient.
COVEHEAD SCHOOL; Robert Barry. 4 7 pupils. The school on Lot 34, at Covehead or Stanhope, although not long under the charge of this District teacher, is in an efficient state. The children attend, in general in this settlement, very regularly.
COVEHEAD SCHOOL; George Douglas. 35 pupils. Temporarily closed at both my visits, July 1849 and January 1850.
STANHOPE SCHOOL; George Douglas. 50 pupils.
No teacher’s name given, 41 pupils. Average, order and arrangements pleasing. Teacher experienced in the work, tone of the school healthy.
All further references are to Stanhope School
William Richardson. 48 pupils.
James Henderson. 33 pupils. Change of teacher since last examina- tion; only a few days opened; classes not organized.
John Sharpe. 30 pupils. Good order maintained, but school lacking in animation.
John Sharpe. Well finished school house. G. Forbes (female)
G. Forbes. 42 pupils.
J .C. Forbes. 38 pupils.