1866 1869 1870







J .C. Forbes. 38 pupils. Trained at Truro, intelligent & painstaking. The examination of the children was alike creditable to themselves and their teacher. The remarkable liveliness and pleasing manner of the scholars showed the benefits of good management. A punctual attendance is difficult to sustain. The majority of the old inhabitants have no scholars within the school age, and many of the rising generation, from local inconvenience, cannot attend. The house and its equipments do not correspond with the circumstances of this respectable community.

James Forbes. 29 pupils. In weak settlements such as Stanhope, to maintain the average is difficult; however the irregular attendance is generally attributable to the negligence or indifference of parents.

James Higgins. 32 pupils.

Murdoch McLeod. 32 pupils. Order defective. 45 pupils Daily average attendance 20.

J. D. Lawson. 44 pupils. Superior work.

J. D. Lawson. 36 pupils Sept. 16th. Visited this school at date. On roll 36, present 2.3. As usual I found this school in a very thriving condition The senior class especially did very well in Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and History. Some of the juniors did well but the others were backward owing to irregular attendance.

The style of penmanship is poor, for want of proper desks and seats. These, however, I was glad to learn, will soon be supplied

Upon the whole, this school under Mr. Lawson’s management compares very favourably with the majority of schools in the county.

Annie H. Smith beginning March 22nd Visited this school today, and found enrolled the names of 25 pupils of whom 24 were in attendance.

Though the school was vacant for 10 months, the good effects of the previous teacher’s work was still evident. The present teacher Miss Annie Smith —— has had charge of the school for only two weeks and has made an excellent beginning in all the branches. At my next visit I shall more particularly give an opinion of the progress in each branch.

A. H. Smith. 29 pupils. Received $80. 00 salary. Feby 26th. Visited this school at date. There were enrolled the names of 27 pupils, present 18. Having examined all the classes at considerable length, I am happy to be able to report that the reading by all the pupils was good, & that of the senior class was superior. Writing carefully taught, and the copies neatly kept. Seniors in Arithmetic correct and expert in Miscellaneous questions in Colenso, juniors very fair, & all very quick at mental arithmetic. Grammar, three parsed well, all in the elements correct. Geography, seniors fair, juniors somewhat deficient. History superior. Order, all that could be desired. Upon the whole, the school is in excellent condition, and Miss Smith is deserving of much credit.

Annie H. Smith. 29 pupils. James W. Robinson

James W. Robinson. received $206.29 salary.