188 1
1882 1883
1884 1885 1886
1889 1890
189 1 1892
1893 1894 1895
1896 1897 1899 1900
190 1 1903
James W. Robinson. 41 pupils Charles Matheson
Charles Matheson. 37 pupils, average attendance 18. Salary $240.
Charles B. Matheson. 39 pupils. W. W. Alexander (married Edith Ryckman of USA.)
W.W. Alexander. 39 pupils — average attendance 18. W.W. Alexander. 45 pupils.
Ellen J. MacMillan. 35 pupils. Maggie J. McRae (married Murdock Balderston)
Maggie J. McRae. 37 pupils. Nettie C. McPhail J eanetta McPhail
Ambrose D. Fraser. 42 pupils. Examined the pupils present in reading, arithmetic, History, English, Grumman Register shows
small attendance. Charles F. McDonald
Bernard McCabe (married 1. Elizabeth King; 2. Annie Smith) Bernard McCabe. 51 pupils. Bernard McCabe. 51 pupils.
‘ James B. Allen
James B. Allen. 54 pupils, average attendance 25, salary $191.25.
James B. Allen. 55 pupils. Louis E. Shaw. 51 pupils.
Louis E. Shaw (married Maude Ross of Stanhope) Louis E. Shaw. 48 pupils; salary $240.
Louis E. Shaw Bessie L. Carr (married Bruce Leitch)
Bessie L. Carr. salary $195. Alfred C. Lawson Alfred C. Lawson. 32 pupils.
Alfred C. Lawson. Stanhope —— a poor school. Eustace M. Vessey
Eustace M. Vessey. 47 pupils, salary $225.
Eustace M. Vessey Nellie F. McNeil]
No teacher during the first term. Lizzie Lamont
Lizzie Lamont (married Allie Mutch) Bessie C. Leitch. Schools beginning to adopt midsummer vacation. Trying to encourage arbor day but not much success.
Bessie C. Leitch. Jan. 1 -June 30 J .A. Auld. July 1 - Dec. 31