1881 James W. Robinson . 41 pupils Charles Matheson 1882 Charles Matheson . 37pupils, average attendance 18. Salary $240. 1883 Charles B. Matheson . 39 pupils. W. W. Alexander (married Edith Ryckman of U.S.A .) 1884 W.W. Alexander . 39pupils ??? average attendance 18. 1885 W.W. Alexander . 45 pupils. 1886 Ellen J. MacMillan . 35pupils. Maggie J. McRae (married Murdock Balderston ) 1887 Maggie J. McRae . 37pupils. Nettie C. McPhail Jeanetta McPhail 1888 Ambrose D. Fraser . 42 pupils. Examined the pupils present in reading, arithmetic, History, English, Grammar. Register shows small attendance. Charles F. McDonald Bernard McCabe (married 1. Elizabeth King ; 2. Annie Smith ) 1889 Bernard McCabe . 51 pupils. 1890 Bernard McCabe . 51 pupils. James B. Allen 1891 James B. Allen . 54 pupils, average attendance 25, salary $191.25. 1892 James B. Allen . 55 pupils. Louis E. Shaw . 51 pupils. 1893 Louis E. Shaw (married Maude Ross of Stanhope ) 1894 Louis E. Shaw . 48 pupils; salary $240. 1895 Louis E. Shaw Bessie L. Carr (married Bruce Leitch ) 1896 Bessie L. Carr . salary $195. 1897 Alfred C. Lawson 1899 Alfred C. Lawson . 32 pupils. 1900 Alfred C. Lawson . Stanhope ??? a poor school. Eustace M. Vessey 1901 Eustace M. Vessey . 47pupils, salary $225. 1903 Eustace M. Vessey Nellie F. McNeill 1904 No teacher during the firs t term. Lizzie Lamont 1905 Lizzie Lamont (married Allie Mutch ) Bessie C. Leitch . Schools beginning to adopt midsummer vacation. Trying to encourage arbor day but not much success. 1906 Bessie C. Leitch . Jan. 1-June 30 J.A. Auld . July 1 -Dec. 31 102