1907 J. A. Auld . Jan. 1 ??? June 30 J.N. McDonald . July 1 - Dec. 31 1908 J.N. McDonald . Jan. 1 -June 30 Louis E. Shaw . July 1 -Dec. 31 1909 Louis E. Shaw 1910 Louis E. Shaw . 21 pupils, salary $225.00. 1911 Louis E. Shaw . It is also the teacher's duty to see that the sheds and water-closets are kept in a neat and cleanly condition. Susan Woolridge . July 17- Dec. 31 1912 Susan Woolridge . Jan. 1 - July 10 (married Archie Munn ) Laura Driscoll . July 15 - Dec. 31 1913 Laura Driscoll . 16 pupils. This school is below average. Work very elementary. 1914 Laura Driscoll . Jan. 1 - June 30 Bessie Hughes . July 1 - Dec. 31 1915 Bessie Hughes . Jan. 1 -June 30 (married Walter Embree ) Helen Harper . July 1 - Dec. 31 1916 Helen M. Harper . Jan. 1 -June30.20pupils. Blanche Raynor . Aug. 1- Dec. 31. Not many present on day of second visit. School is backward, but I am sure present teacher is improving matters. 1917 Blanche Raynor . Jan. 1 -June 30.18 pupils - average 14 Katie McCabe . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31. Grounds should be enclosed and a garden started. Interior of school in good condition. 1918 Katie B. McCabe . Work very well done, salary $192.50. 1919 Katie B. McCabe . The pupils in this school give evidence of very careful instruction. They are bright, intelligent and interested in their work. Miss McCabe is entering upon her third year and the present satisfactory condition of the school is largely due to her endeavours. 1920 Katie B. McCabe . 25 pupils; school is being excellently conducted and pupils show a fine enthusiasm; salary $262.00. 1921 Katie B. McCabe . Jan. 1-June 30 (married Aeneas MacDonald ) Mildred V. Rose . July 1 - Dec. 31. Excellent work and interest is being maintained. 1922 Mildred V. Rose . Jan. 1 - June 30 (married George Ross ) Muriel McGregor . Sept. 1 -Dec. 31.26pupils. 1923 Muriel McGregor . Jan. 1 - June 30 (married Edwin Hanscom ) Aileen Walsh . Sept. 1 -Dec. 31 (married Martin Hansen) 1924 Aileen Walsh . Jan. 1-June 30. One side of roof shingled. Mildred Rose Ross . A ug. 12 - Dec. 31 1925 Mildred R. Ross 1926 Mildred R. Ross . Jan. 1 - May 10 Cedric A. Yeo . May 20 ??? June 30 Beatrice Yeo . Aug. 15 - Dec. 31 103