192 7 Beatrice Yeo . Jan. 1-June 30 Muriel Bowen . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31 1928 Muriel Bowen . Jan. 1 - June 30 (married Earl Ling ) Dora M. Doyle . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31. Overcrowded. Exterior poor and grounds small 1929 Dora M. Doyle . Jan. 1 ??? June 30. 40 pupils, salary $252.50. (married Donald MacAdam ) Edith Cameron . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31. Extensive repairs were made to school and out-buildings. 1930 Edith Cameron . Salary $350.50 (married Lome MacMillan ) School property classified as fair, tendency to neglect repairs and replace?? ments. 1931 Edith Cameron . Jan. 1 - June 30. On the honour roll for property improvement. Emily Stewart . Aug. 14-Dec. 31 1932 Emily A. Stewart . Jan. 1 - June 30. 36 pupils (married Nicholas Brackanow ) Hattie Pigott . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31 1933 Hattie Pigott . Jan. 1-Feb. 28 Gordon Darrach . Mar. 1 -June 30 Catherine Bears . Aug. 12-Dec. 31 1934 Catherine Bears . Jan. 1 - June 30 (married Stirling Corbett ) John (Jack) Horgan. Aug. 12 ??? Dec. 31 1935 John R. Horgan . Salary $412.00 (married Joyce McCarville ) 1936 John R. Horgan . Jan. 1-June 30 Esther Harper . Aug. 12 - Dec. 31 (married Norman Sims ) 1937 Esther Harper . Jan. 1 - June 30 Louise MacNevin . Aug. 16- Dec. 31 1938 Louise MacNevin . Salary $356.50 (married Rankin MacLaine ) 1939 Louise MacNevin . Jan. 1 - June 30 Marguerite L. Crosby . Aug. 16-Dec. 31 (married Jack Darrach ) 1940 Beth Robinson. Jan. 1-June 30 Phoebe M. Blondon . Aug. 15- Dec. 31. 1941 Phoebe M. Blondon . Jan. 1-June 30 (married Lorraine Bentley) Ruby Blondon . Aug. 15-Dec. 31 (married Edgar Marshall ) 1942 Ruby Blondon . Jan. 1 - June 30. Ruby placed third in the Strathcona Prize for Physical Training. Ivy Hughes . A ug. 15-Dec. 31 (married Gordon Lafferty ) 1943 Ivy Hughes Lafferty . Jan. 1 - June 30 1943 -1944 Eleanor Fitzpatrick . (married Thomas Dougan ) 1944-1945 Pauline Hooper 1945-1946 Marion Heath ( Mrs. James Heath , nee Blondon) 104