1983 -1984 Ida Carpenter . Grade 1 (A two-room school again) Maureen MacDonald . Grades 2-3 When the Regional Administrative Units were formed in July, 1972, the principal of East Royalty School also became the principal for all the schools in this area ( Stanhope , Brackley , Grand Tracadie , Marshfield and Dunstaffnage ). The following is a list of the principals since 1972. 1972-74 ??? GlenLeeco 1974-76 - RonBolger 1976-83 - George Doughart 1983-84 ??? Grant Canvin ??? principal of Stanhope & Grand Tracadie schools only. Music In Stanhope School In January, 1955, an organ was purchased for the school and music teachers were engaged by the Women 's Institute to give singing lessons to the students. For the first several years music lesson fees were collected from the children and the Women 's Institute made up the remainder of the music teacher's salary. In later years the government took over the payment of a salary to the music teacher. The Women 's Institute was responsible for engaging music teachers for the school until the Regional Administrative Units were formed. The organ, being of a temperamental nature, was sold; a piano was donated to the school by Mrs. Harold Shaw . THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF MUSIC TEACHERS 1955-58 Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Reymond 1958-59 Position vacant 1959-61 Elizabeth Gay ( Mrs. Reginald Gay , nee Foster) 1961 -64 Mrs. Ralph Crockett (nee Marj orie Farrell) 1964-65 Position vacant 1965 Mrs. Joseph McQuaid (Oct. - Dec.) ( Katie McQuaid , nee Maclntyre ) 1966-68 Position vacant 1968-69 Margaret Power ( Mrs. Edward Power , nee Matheson) 1969-70 Mrs. Keith Boswell (nee Ruth MacGregor ) 1970-72 Margaret Power 1972-83 Elizabeth Gay 1983-84 Cheryl MacKay ( Mrs. James MacKay ) 107