in charge of the assessment roll, and collecting the assessed taxes, the School Trustees also had to appoint Reeves. These persons had to enforce the Domestic Animal Act, or Cattle Act, as it seems to have been commonly called; it was designed to prevent the running at large of horses, cattle and sheep and in 1876 geese were added to the list. The Act was necessary since at that time fences were few and the

animals were allowed to roam at will. The Reeves were sometimes referred to as “Hog Reeves”.

The following were appointed as Reeves: 187 6 Ralph Carr George Alexander Jeremiah Bryant(? O’Brian) 1877 Edward Douglas Malcolm McLaud (? McLeod) Alexander MacLauchlan 1878 David Carr for the east end of the district James Brodie for the west end Jeremiah Bryant (O’Brian) for the north end

As mentioned previously, Stanhope School is now twinned with Grand Tracadie School. It has been renovated recently, with new windows, and carpeting throughout; and the parking area in front of the school has been paved. It is now a 2-room school again, with Grade 1 taught by Ida Carpenter and Grades 2 and 3 by Maureen MacDonald. We would like to pay tribute to Ida Carpenter, who has “survived" the Grade 1 children of Stanhope for 16 years, and is in the opinion of parents and students, the best teacher ever.

It is interesting that over the past 130 years, out of this 1, 2 and 3-room school have come many scholars who have made their mark in the world.