/~\Lorns MacO'.lian >ss =u< George, l^lac M'llltxn 1S< \j Riiptrh Ross N NWM.'llan ^ J ' ' * / I \ /* HoT-go-r>S ' \ 1 s ' ' / I r * / t^\ Q.cLau .cK|o.n \ / ^???fwson'sCve^ Mill Cvetk 1 yRt>y , Au-leL's \ Creek Map o/ice roads on CoveheadBay sketch by Evelyn Simpson Road Maintenance In early days, residents were responsible for the upkeep of the road bordering their property; later, it was a way of "working off the taxes". The clay roads were scraped, graded and smoothed and the ditches were kept in order. Roadmasters were appointed to see that the work was done; these included such men as Will McCabe , Eddie Reardon , Rupert Ross , Bert Misener and Isaac Lawson . At one time Percy Carr would come from Oyster Bed Bridge to get three teams of horses and do the roads; there was great competition to get one's horses hired, because of the payment involved. Scrapers drawn by horses were used until the 1920 s. The first mechanical road machine used here was in 1926, on . It was a caterpillar-track machine with a scraper blade, operated by John Harold Bernard ; all the children of Stanhope School came out to watch. At this time, not much snow removal was done; sleighs travelled on top of it, or took to the winter roads through the fields. The ice 114