Campbell, Kay Horgan , Maureen Horgan , Debbie and Gaylene Misener, Bill Cameron , Darlene (Cameron) Marshall, Warren Marshall , Faye (Lawson) Smith and Gloria (Corrigan) Griffin. The Telephone office remained in the Marshall home until 1973, when the switchboard was converted to the dial system, and a new Exchange was built in Stanhope , at the " Corner "; calls to and from Charlottetown are now toll free. Having the switchboard exchange in the community was a great thing: the operators were invaluable in any emergency ??? calling an ambulance, getting in touch with a doctor, or fire brigade, whatever was needed. They also knew where everyone was, at any given moment, so it was easy to locate a wanted person; and one could obtain all the latest local news from the switchboard. When the exchange was converted to the dial system, the community lost a very personal, friendly, all-encompassing service. Radio and Television The very first radios to come to Stanhope were through two men named Gesner and Ritchie who were in the radio business in Charlotte- town, and had a fishing shack on Ray Carr 's land near , renting the fishing from Ray; he was the first to own a battery- powered radio, equipped with earphones. These were soon phased out, and the battery-powered sets with speakers were a great source of entertainment on long winter evenings for many Stanhope families; the neighbours gathered at the homes of those fortunate enough to possess a radio. Battery sets continued to be used until electricity came to Stanhope ; the first line was installed in 1938, and the church got electricity in 1946, but Stanhope homes were connected up in an irregular fashion during the 1950s and 1960s. Television arrived here in 1955 when Bruce Ellis got a black and white set, which became the neighbourhood theatre! Coloured television followed, a big leap forward in home entertainment; now home computers and video games are here. Cable television has not reached the area yet, but there is a satellite dish in place at the home of Harry MacLauchlan in Stanhope . 122