goods, pottery, carvings, wrought iron, hooked rugs, knitting, etc. from the four Provinces were sold at Thymewood, from such sources as the Grenfell Mission, NONIA of Newfoundland , the Madawaska Weavers, the Smith Forge of Chester, and pottery by the Lorenzens and others. An effort was made to promote Island hand?? crafts, and work by Jean Reed of West Covehead , the Leavitts of Alberton , Fred Taylor of Bunbury , of North Rustico and many others was featured. In 1964 Thymewood was purchased by G. Harry Kielly of Stanhope , who operated it on the during 1964-65. In 1966 it was moved to a site on the Stanhope and was expanded to double its previous size in 1967. In 1968 a museum was opened next door, but it was closed out in 1969. By 1970 the serious competition from gift outlets connected to other businesses forced Thymewood to introduce more souvenir items. Approximately six small gift outlets existed on P.E.I , in 1953, while in 1970 over 75 were established. This number would be more than doubled by 1975, at which time it was decided that it was no longer economically feasible to operate an independent handcraft store, unconnected to another business. Despite the introduction of souvenir items, a quality list of handcrafts was carried at Thymewood until the final years of operation. The property was sold to Parks Canada in 1975 as part of the expansion plan in the area. To supply local and tourist demand for quality crafts similar to those featured previously at Thymewood, " Crafts and Gifts" was opened in 1981; it is operated by Mary Shaw on the family property on the in Stanhope , next to "Shaw Door Inc ." operated by Mary's husband Clifford Shaw , specialising in doors, windows and fine wood-working. Stanhope Service Station The first garage and service station in Stanhope was built in 1946 by Bruce Ellison land known as "the MacLeod property", bought from Harry Lawson through the DVA. Bruce had just returned from World War II, having served in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1939 to 1945, rising from Rating to Petty Officer . The garage, 24 by 28 feet in size, was built by Clifford Shaw with the help of neighbourhood boys, and was soon open for business. The first gasoline was purchased from Canadian Oil Co. "White Rose" for 36$ per gallon; the first two loads of gasoline were bought between Bruce Ellis and . Gas tanks were previously operated across the driveway by Ross's store from 1938 to 1944, with clear view type hand pumps. In the spring of 1947 electricity was 127