Official opening June 1974 of a community playground on National Park land for Stanhope School. L-R: Jack Johnston- Administrator School Unit Three, Margaret Power-President Stanhope W.I., Hon Cecil Miller-Speaker of P.E.I. Legislature, Maurice McCarron-P.E.I. National Park Superintendent.

The Guardian June 1974

grades 4, 5, and 6 at Grand Tracadie. Since 1983 some of our children (following a parent referendum) have attended the new L.M. Montgomery school in East Royalty. Each of the local Institutes is responsible for one of the 3 rooms in the school, and Stanhope W.I. provides the “trimmings” for the grade 1 room; this includes such things as electrical and digital clocks, shades, a metric conversion kit, a Gestetner copier, extra books and materials and so on. Recently we also helped to furnish a sitting-room and kitchenette for the teachers. This is all a far cry from the early days, when the Institute appeared to provide everything for the school, except the building and the teacher. We also subsidise the annual school picnic, and give treats to the children at Christmas. In 1962 the W.I. planted trees, grass and flowers at the school, and won a prize of $150 for this in the Rural Beautification Competiton.

Safety, in the home, on the farm, on the roads, in and on the water, has always been a prime concern of this Institute, and there seem to be more hazards around us now than of yore. Recently we have had pro- grams at meetings on poisons and flammable substances in the home, childproof containers, electrical safety and a film on farm safety. The Institute has sponsored bicycle “road-eos” for children and defensive driving courses for adults, has subsidised Red Cross Swimming and