"The Queen" ??? by the chairman, responded to by singing "The Queen" "To the Senior Citizens" ??? by Mrs. Bruce Ellis Responded to by Mr. George Hooper "To the Women 's Institute" ??? by Mrs. Ray Carr Responded to by Mrs. PatHorgan "To the husbands" ??? by Mrs. Eric Kipping Responded to by Mr. Horace Marshall "To the girls" ??? by Mr. Harry MacLauchlan Responded to by Carol Horgan Mrs. Ray Carr and Mrs. James MacLauchlan ??? two still active charter members ??? cut the anniversary cake. These ladies, as well as Mrs. George MacMillan , were presented with P.E.I.W.I , pins by the President as a token of their long service. The special guest Mrs. Helen Herring , introduced by Mrs. Harry MacLauchlan , gave a very interesting speech, bringing news of the newly organised Sister Institutes in Northern Canada , where each W.I . branch comprises a cross-section of Indians, Metis, Whites and Eskimos. She urged that all Institutes strive to have well-balanced programs of business, education and social activities. She reviewed the work of W.I .s in the Stanhope W.I . 50th Anniversary 1978. L-R: Mrs. Isabel MacLauchlan-Charter member, Mrs. Shirley Law son-President, Mrs. Gertrude McCabe-Charter member, Mrs. Cassie Marshall . photo by H. Baxter 140