Several members of the Provincial Board were present, including Mrs. Hazel Graham, Mrs. Doreen MacInnis, Mrs. Rena Hughes, Mrs. Louise Andrews and Mrs. Joyce MacKenzie; and also our District Home Economist, Mrs. Pat Manning, and Elizabeth Grimmett of the Department of Agriculture. Our guests were served tea and coffee, sandwiches and sweets, and the anniversary cake, cut by our oldest active and charter members. If the conversational decibel rating was any indication, this was a most successful party —- everyone seemed to enjoy renewing old friendships, meeting new friends, talking over old times and making plans for the future.
Another happy occasion was the dinner at Dalvay on September 13, 1979, given by the men of the district (“the boys on the back burner” —— the husbands who had been somewhat neglected during the compila- tion of the Tweedsmuir History Kit) to the Women’s Institute members, to celebrate the winning of the Tweedsmuir History Trophy by the Institute’s Stanhope Community History Kit, which was on display, together with the Trophy, kept here by the Stanhope W.I. for the three years until the next Tweedsmuir Competition, and the small silver replica of the Trophy which the Institute keeps in
Church Oriented Organisations
The W.M.S. of the Methodist Church
An Auxiliary of the NE. and the P.E.I. Branch of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Methodist Church was organised at Stanhope on October 24, 1904 with the following officers: —
PRESIDENT ........................ Miss Annie Alexander VICE-PRESIDENT ................... Miss Annie C. Bovyer CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ...... Mrs. R.P. Lank RECORDING SECRETARY ........... Miss Rhoda Jane Bovyer TREASURER ..................... ' ...... Mrs. James Matthew
Nine members were enrolled — the above, plus Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Eliza Bovyer, Mrs. Thomas Gurney and Mrs. James Hughes. Other members who joined from 1905 on include Miss Clara Brown, Miss Ella Woolridge, Eliza Mobbs, Christina MacEachern, Blanche Auld, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Edmund MacMillan, Mrs. Thomas Woolridge, Mrs. A. Beattie, Mrs. Hibbert Hughes, Dana Mellett. Mrs. Jesse Watts and Eleanor Gurney (later Mrs. Bert Misener) who was a small child at this time. Meetings were held at first in the church and later in members’ homes, and consisted of devotional exercises, a business meeting, “literary exercises of a missionary character”, and papers on the mission field by guest speakers. Gentlemen were admitted as honorary members.