five churches making up the York-Covehead Pastoral Charge. The membership in the first years was about 100, and supper meetings were held; in the 1960s there were 40-50 members, and now there are 25-30. Evening meetings are held, with guest speakers or panel discussions, a worship service, hymn sings and a light lunch. A dinner meeting is held in the fall to which members’ wives are invited.

Fund-raising events include a roast beef dinner in April, held in one or other community hall, and a sale of nuts before Christmas; the funds are used for various projects, such as a foster child, a small girl in El Salvador; the distribution of fruit baskets to senior citizens and shut-ins at Christmas; donations to the Protestant Family Service Bureau, to Inter-Fares, to Farmers helping Farmers, to the Genesis II TV. show. Other projects over the years have included sponsorship of the United Church of Canada P.E.I. Presbytery Men’s Council Youth Public Speaking Contest, with donation of prizes and trophies; financial support of the Manse Committee; memorial gifts for the deceased; contributions to fire funds; donations for special treatment of sick persons; subsidising and organising the social hour following the Easter Sunrise Service. Get-well cards are sent to the sick, and the elderly and incapacitated are visited or phoned. In 1983 a nursing home visit was arranged.

In 1982 the York-Covehead Men’s Club won the Provincial Shield

of the Presbytery Men’s Council for its achievements in 1981-82. The Executive of the Club for 1983-84 is:

HON. PRESIDENT ................... The Rev. John Foster

PRESIDENT ........................ Hayden Birt

PAST PRESIDENT ................... Malcolm Campbell

VICE-PRESIDENT ................... Barry Cudmore

SECRETARY-TREASURER ........... George Simpson


YORK .............................. Bev Simpson Roland Vessey

WE ST COVEHEAD ................... Barry Cudmore Robert Storring

STAN HOPE ......................... Malcolm Campbell Alvin MacLauchlan

PLEASANT GROVE .................. Marvin Clow

CENTRAL ........................... Hayden Birt.

Youth Organisations

C.G.I.T. Canadian Girls In Training

This United Church group is for girls from 12 to 16 years of age; the upper age limit used to be 18. The purpose of this group is to train