five churches making up the York- Pastoral Charge. The membership in the first years was about 100, and supper meetings were held; in the 1960s there were 40-50 members, and now there are 25-30. Evening meetings are held, with guest speakers or panel discussions, a worship service, hymn sings and a light lunch. A dinner meeting is held in the fall to which members' wives are invited. Fund-raising events include a roast beef dinner in April, held in one or other community hall, and a sale of nuts before Christmas; the funds are used for various projects, such as a foster child, a small girl in El Salvador; the distribution of fruit baskets to senior citizens and shut-ins at Christmas; donations to the Protestant Family Service Bureau, to Inter-Pares, to Farmers helping Farmers, to the Genesis II T.V . show. Other projects over the years have included sponsorship of the United Church of Canada P. E.I. Presbytery Men 's Council Youth Public Speaking Contest, with donation of prizes and trophies; financial support of the Manse Committee; memorial gifts for the deceased; contributions to fire funds; donations for special treatment of sick persons; subsidising and organising the social hour following the Easter Sunrise Service. Get-well cards are sent to the sick, and the elderly and incapacitated are visited or phoned. In 1983 a nursing home visit was arranged. In 1982 the York- Men 's Club won the Provincial Shield of the Presbytery Men 's Council for its achievements in 1981-82. The Executive of the Club for 1983-84 is: HON. PRESIDENT ...................The Rev. John Foster PRESIDENT ........................Hayden Birt PAST PRESIDENT ...................Malcolm Campbell VICE-PRESIDENT................... Barry Cudmore SECRETARY-TREASURER ...........George Simpson DIRECTORS - YORK .............................. Bev Simpson Roland Vessey WEST COVEHEAD................... Barry Cudmore Robert Storring STANHOPE.........................Malcolm Campbell Alvin MacLauchlan PLEASANT GROVE.................. Marvin Clow CENTRAL...........................Hayden Birt. Youth Organisations C.G.I.T . ??? Canadian Girls In Training This United Church group is for girls from 12 to 16 years of age; the upper age limit used to be 18. The purpose of this group is to train 146