Stan ope- ow L- : Michelle Wheaton, Kathryn Shaw, Julie Adams. Second Row down L-R: Kathy Kielly, Sharon MacDonald, Lisa Younker, Christine MacLauchlan, Kim Roberts. Third Row down L-R: Janice Ellis- leader, Marie Reardon. Fourth Row down L—R: Kathryn Mac- Lauchlan, Bonnie Watts, Michelle McInnis, Noreen Shaw-leader, Doreen MacInnis-leader. Fifth Row down L-R: Kathy Riley, Lynn Wolvers, Carol Watts, Penny Sherren. Front Row L-R: Gloria Riley, Stephanie Birt, Gina Raynor, Carolyn Webster.
Mary J. Shaw coll.
four leaders: Doreen MacInnis, Jean Lewis, Janice Ellis and June Youland. In 1978 York formed their own group, so for the Stanhope- Covehead end of the charge just two leaders were left, Doreen and Janice.
Before 1971, Stanhope girls graduating have included Brenda MacLauchlan, Janet Ellis, Karen Ross and Muriel Kielly; since that time Rena MacLauchlan, Faye Lawson, Debbie Campbell, Lorna MacLauchlan, Sandra Campbell, June Youland, Karen Misener and Norma Ellis graduated. More recently. graduates include Christine MacLauchlan, Heather Kielly, Sharon Misener, Kathryn MacLauchlan
School Fairs
These were organised on P.E.I. in 1916 as part of agricultural training in the rural schools, and were promoted by the Department of