Agriculture; a forerunner of the 4-H movement. The first School Fair for Stanhope was held in 1921 at the Stanhope Hall, which was scarcely large enough for all the exhibits; Irene Lawson was Secretary of the Fair. Next year West Covehead , Grand Tracadie and combined with Stanhope for the School Fair; Hilda MacLauchlan of West Covehead was Secretary. In 1923 the Fair was again held in Stanhope with West Covehead and Grand Tracadie joining in.... a respectable showing. The exhibit of calves was good ... the general exhibit of the household classes was good. The Secretary was Frances McCabe . 1924 saw ... a really good fair for the schools taking part (Stan?? hope, Grand Tracadie and ) ... a particularly good showing of potatoes and dairy heifer calves. Rebecca Keizer was Secretary . In 1925 the same schools took part and ... This was an excellent fair from every point of view ... in quality and quantity the exhibits were almost as good as seen anywhere. Mae Hughes was the Secretary. The School Fairs continued in Stanhope through 1926 to 1932, with Secretaries Edith MacLauchlan , Mary Horgan , Eric T. Wilson , Eileen Robison and Ivy Hughes . After 1932 the fairs were held in York . Stanhope 4-H Garment Club This was organised in 1964 under the direction of Miss Teresa MacLeod , Supervisor of Women 's Institute affairs. There were 11 members, with Linda Douglas as President, Karen Ross as Vice- President and Wanda Warren as Secretary . The leader was Mrs. Pat Horgan , and the assistant leader, Mrs. Horace Marshall . The Club met on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. at the school. In 1966 Mrs. John Misener was the leader, and in June that year an achievement day was held at Stanhope School with mothers and friends in attendance. The Chairman, Doreen Warren, welcomed the guests, Janet Ellis repeated the 4-H creed, and there was a short entertainment program by Doreen Warren, Gaylene Misener and Brenda MacLauchlan. Dale Robison introduced the judges, Mrs. Frances Blanchard and Ann Hamilton , who remarked on the excellent work done by the members; this included a pink linen suit by Doreen Warren, a yellow linen dress by Donna Marshall, and a blouse and skirt by Karen Ross . Gifts were presented to the leaders, Mrs. Reggie Ross , Mrs. Malcolm Campbell , and Mrs. Lewis Kielly and also to the judges. Members in the club this year were: Donna Marshall, Brenda MacLauchlan, Muriel Kielly , Janet Ellis , Gaylene Misener, Doreen 149