1 st NOrth Shore Brownie Pack enrolment 1981 dressed as Indians. Back Row L-R: Jenny MacDonald, Soleille Labelle, Bethanie FitzGerald, Tammy Cameron, Krista Watts, Kim MacCallum, Jennifer Vandergaag, Kathie Ford (older Brownie). Front Row L-R: Kelly Smith, Amanda Pineau, Tammy Shaw, Patricia Reid, Julie Power, Luanne Allan, Annemarie Webster.
photo by E.J . Power
Warren, Dale Robison, Maureen Horgan, Karen Ross, Faye Lawson, Debbie Misener and Alva Kielly.
The 1st North Shore Brownie Pack was organised on November 13, 1975, for girls 7-11 years of age, by Catherine Collard (Mrs. George) as the Brown Owl. Joyce MacLauchlan (Mrs. Alvin), Patricia Orlowski (Mrs. Edward) and Margaret Power (Mrs. Edward) were the Tawny Owls. Stanhope, West Covehead and Covehead Road Women’s Institutes each donated $20.00 to help cover initial expenses. Jenna MacDonald (Mrs. Ira) attends the Brownie meetings to teach the Brownies how to crochet. Meetings are held in the Stanhope-Covehead Community Hall on Thursday evenings. In 1975 there were 25 girls registered.
In the fall of 1983 there were 31 Brownies registered, led by Margaret Power as Brown Owl and Gloria Weatherbie (Mrs. Winston), Vaunda Allan (Mrs. Kenneth) and Rose Affleck (Mrs. Merlin) as