1st North Shore Boy Scout Troop 1963 Back Row L-R: Blair MacLauchlan, Horace Marshall-Scoutmaster, Donald Ellis, Sheldon Jay-Scoutmaster, David Misener, Rhodes Warren, Gordon Ellis. Front Row L-R: Allison Ellis, Alan MacLauchlan, Roger MacLauchlan, Robert MacLauchlan, Howard Ellis.
Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs Association
The lst North Shore Boy Scout Tr00p and Wolf Cub Pack were organised in November, 1962 by Mr. Hugh Lowry, Commissioner for the area at a meeting held at the Stanhope-Covehead Community Hall. Boys from Stanhope, West Covehead and Covehead Road were involved, the sponsoring bodies being the Women’s Institutes of these three communities.
The Executive of the Association was appointed that evening as follows:
CHAIRMAN .............. Mrs. Bruce Ellis, Stanhope
SECRETARY .............. Mrs. Ernest MacMillan, Covehead Road TREASURER .......... Mrs. Leith MacMillan, West Covehead CAMP SECRETARY ....... Mrs. John Misener, Stanhope
TRAINING SECRETARY . . Mrs. James Rae, West Covehead Sheldon Jay and Lloyd Coffin volunteered to lead the Scouts, and Ed Tupper, National Park Engineer, consented to lead the Cubs; they were assisted by Ernest MacMillan, Horace Marshall and Warren Marshall.
The Women’s Institute members made the neckerchiefs worn by Scouts and Cubs, and Mrs. Jean Reed donated several yards of Island Tartan (designed by her) to be used as a border on the grey kerchiefs.