^^B ??????isti .lift. Iffiail^lHIliiMll 1st Boy Scout Troop L-R: Blair MacLauchlan , Horace Marshall -Scoutmaster , Donald Ellis , Sheldon Jay -Scoutmaster , David Misener , Rhodes Warren, Gordon Ellis . L-R: Allison Ellis , Alan MacLauchlan , Roger MacLauchlan , Robert MacLauchlan , Howard Ellis . Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs Association The 1st Boy Scout Troop and Wolf Cub Pack were organised in November, 1962 by Mr. Hugh Lowry , Commissioner for the area at a meeting held at the Stanhope-Covehead Community Hall. Boys from Stanhope , West Covehead and were involved, the sponsoring bodies being the Women 's Institutes of these three communities. The Executive of the Association was appointed that evening as follows: CHAIRMAN .............. Mrs. Bruce Ellis , SECRETARY .............. Mrs. Ernest MacMillan , TREASURER .......... Mrs. Leith MacMillan , CAMP SECRETARY ....... Mrs. John Misener , TRAINING SECRETARY .. Mrs. James Rae , Sheldon Jay and Lloyd Coffin volunteered to lead the Scouts, and Ed Tupper , Engineer, consented to lead the Cubs; they were assisted by Ernest MacMillan , Horace Marshall and Warren Marshall . The Women 's Institute members made the neckerchiefs worn by Scouts and Cubs, and Mrs. Jean Reed donated several yards of Island Tartan (designed by her) to be used as a border on the grey kerchiefs. 153