The bus driver for the North Shore group was Reg McInnis from, Cherry Valley. Other leaders who were on the trip included Gordon Kerr and Joan Willis from Scout Headquarters in Charlottetown, Brigadier Bill Reid, Brigadier Al Rogers and Brian Scott.

Another highlight for our Scouts was the North Shore Bicen- tennial celebrations in 1970; many of the boys took part in helping with the floats, and they were able to show off their parade expertise, in spite of the pouring rain that day.

From 1976 on, the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers have been sponsored by the North Shore C.I.C..The Scouts have been in abeyance since 1980, due partly to a shortage of interested boys in the appropriate age group, but Cubs and Beavers are flourishing.

We are indebted to Sheldon Jay, Malcolm Campbell and Bob Storring for information on the Scouts.

North Shore Community Improvement Committee/ North Shore Community

This committee was organised in 1974 under the Community Improve- ment Act of 1968, to serve the residents of the former school districts of Stanhope, West Covehead, Covehead Road and Brackley Point in such matters as fire protection, electric power, water and sewerage facilities, garbage collection and disposal, and the purchase and sale of garbage disposal sites; it has additional powers to purchase, acquire, and receive real property and easements, and to purchase and maintain land for the community in order to preserve historic sites and unique areas of interest; and to assemble land for recreational use. The C.I.C. may represent the community in the supervision and - care of parks and playgrounds and the supervision of sites for roadside picnic tables; in the neatness and beautification of the community, the replacement of trees along roads and highways, and the prevention of garbage dumping; and the removal of dilapidated buildings.

In 1974 the first chairman was Bob Storring and the secretary was Edward Power. Community representatives were:

BRACKLEY POINT ....... Ray Gilman

John Cuthbertson —- Treasurer WEST COVEHEAD ........ Bob Storring, David Morgan COVEHEAD ROAD ....... Harvey MacDonald, Philip MacInnis STAN HOPE ............... Harry Kielly, Edward Power

Brackley Point withdrew from the C.I.C. in 1975, after which there were three representatives from each of the remaining districts. In 1979 the officers and representatives were:

CHAIRMAN .............. Adrian Van Ekris SECRETARY .............. Edward Power TREASURER ............. Dorothy Johnston