3. Capital grants from the province of up to $2,500 per annum for the first four years to pay for purchases, e.g. fire truck and associated equipment. The province will contribute 25% of operating costs each year. The rate-payers agreed to an increase of the C.I.C . levy from $.02 per $100 to $.08 per $100. The district boundaries were defined, and access roads to the maze of cottages on the Stanhope peninsula were investigated, and roads named, with signs put up by the Department of Highways. Some lanes were already named; new ones included , Bagnall's Lane, , Rupert's Road, MacKay Lane , Seaman's Road, , MacLauchlan Crescent, Road and Warren's Road. The names were chosen as far as possible to commemorate past, and some present, property owners. In 1980 fire protection was extended to . Some of the first volunteer firemen were: Ken Coles James Allen Gary Walker Blair MacMillan Barry MacMillan Jim Hamilton , Jamie Rae Kevin Martin Peter Vriends Brian McCabe Bill Horgan Ray Birt Philip Maclnnis Linus Misener Stephen MacDonald Gerald MacLeod Wanson Hemphill Winston Weatherbie Brian Bolger Lome Birt William Youland Sterling Younker Wayne MacDonald Wade MacMillan George Shaw Jan Meulenkamp Len McQuillan Francis Fryters The first Fire Chief was Harry Kielly , succeeded by Bill Vanderaa and Wayne MacDonald. The Fireman's Association has been very active in raising funds for equipment by organising bingo evenings at the Hall, and by holding lobster suppers at and Stanhope Beach Lodge; they have also made many improvements to the Fire Hall, such as new flooring, furnishings, and a canteen and washroom. There are nineteen volunteer firemen in 1984. The Fire Company has sponsored Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscita?? tion ( C.P.R .) courses for the community. Canadian Stanhope 's first participation in activities was the knitting bees held during World War I to make socks, caps, mufflers etc., for 159