troops. Lunches for these bees became so lavish that members were reluctant to host meetings, feeling they couldn’t compete. Rationing in World War II put a stop to that, however, and the lunches at this time became very simple, and probably a lot more healthful. Knitted articles were made at these meetings, and ditty bags assembled, con taining toilet articles.
At the present time, the Stanhope W.I. knits up yarn supplied by the Red Cross into socks, mitts, sweaters, caps, whatever is asked for by the Red Cross, for sale by them to raise money for their various projects.
First Aid Courses
On P.E.I. the first courses were given in 1948, with the city areas being instructed first. Stanhope was among the early rural com- munities to take the First Aid courses, starting in 1952 and con- tinuing regularly. This area is very conscious of Public Safety, and First Aid is one way in which people are able to help their families and neighbours.
In the winter of 1952-3 a Standard First Aid Course was given by instructor, Mrs. Henry Peters, to 29 residents of Stanhope, West Covehead and Covehead Road. Twenty-one students were examined by Mrs. Evelyn Cudmore and Mr. Norman MacLeod and nineteen of these passed. Certificates were presented to the following Stanhope people: Mrs. John Misener, Mrs. Alvin MacLauchlan, Mrs. Bruce Ellis and Mrs. Patrick Horgan.
A similar course was held in 1957 with instructor, Sinclair Cutcliffe, and examiner, Norman MacLeod; certificates were awarded to Mrs. Harry Lawson, Mrs. Ernest MacMillan, Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Mrs. Horace Marshall, Mrs. Reg Ross, Mrs. Wilda Browning, Reg Ross, Fred Browning and Barry Higgins from Stanhope.
In 1961 seventeen first aiders were instructed by Bruce MacLaren and examined by Norman MacLeod. Certificates were gained by the following Stanhope people: Patrick Horgan, Linus Misener, John Elliott Misener, Horace Marshall, Ernest MacMillan, Alvin Mac- Lauchlan, Anne Ross, Isabel Kipping, Reg Ross and George Shaw.
Similarly in 1964 certificates and refresher seals were presented to Edith Marshall, Carol Horgan, Heather Marshall, Ernest Mac- Millan, Herace Marshall, Anne Ross, George Shaw, Victor Deacon, Bruce Ellis, Shirley Lawson, Reg Ross and Evelyn Carr. Also in 1964, the Stanhope Boy_ Scouts and a number of Stanhope girls were enrolled in a Red Cross Junior First Aid class, instructed by RB. MacLaren and examined by Sinclair Cutcliffe; those passing included: Carl Myers, Gordon Ellis, Howard Ellis, David Misener, Robert MacLauchlan, Rhodes Warren, John Myers, Alan Myers, Roger