MacLauchlan. Elizabeth Warren, Charlotte Youland. Donna Marshall, , Shirley Warren, J o-Ann Deacon, Brenda MacLauchlan, Doreen Warren, Linda Douglas, Wanda Warren and Karen Ross.

Red Cross Adult First Aid courses were held 1n 1966 and 1968; the last such course here was held 1n 1975, with instructor Deanna MacDougall of Stanhope. Eleven people were examined by Sister M. Arsenault, and eleven received certificates: Judi Wamboldt, Noreen Shaw, George Simpson, Evelyn Simpson, Margaret Allan, Russell Allan, Jerry Allan, Jean Quick, Joyce MacLauchlan, Alvin Mac- Lauchlan, Debbie Campbell, Marjorie MacLauchlan and David MacDougall. At the end of the course the students gave the instructor a gift, a house plant in a macrame hanger, with the following verse:

We ’re would-be FirstAiders who 've lost our way, And I’m sure if we study till Judgement Day

We ’ll never learn how to take care of a break.

0r insulin shock, or a bad stomach ache Whatever d ’you do for a cardiac case?

Ora stroke? ora fit? we’ll ne’er get to first base!’ Then, how about burns? and poisons? and cuts? How to bandage a’ fracture? it’s driving as nuts! There’s an accident out in the road what to do? Blood all over the place, and the guy ’s taming blue -— His leg is all bent in a very queer way

Has he broken his back? this isn’t our day!

But along comes Deanna with bandage and splints She explains all so clearly, with lots of good hints. She shows us the method to put on a sling,

And how to give AR. and many a thing.

She fills us with confidence, knowledge and “tricks”, So I’m sure we now know what to do in a fix!

Now we’d like to Deanna our best thanks to give,

For a course we ’ll remember as long as we live!

swimming and Water Safety

There have been Red Cross swimming classes each summer in Stanhope at the campground beach since the late 1940s, for local children and visitors. Since 1974 the children have been bussed to Charlottetown, either to the Y. M. C. A. or the Simmons’ pool, with added water safety instruction and testing. The cost of this activity has been subsidised by the Stanhope W. I., who pay half the fee for

local children enrolled 1n the program; the earlier beach classes were free.

Stanhope-Grand Tracadie Home and School Association

The Stanhope Home and School Association was organised in the fall of 1979. The officers were: