PRESIDENT ................. Clarice Webster VICE-PRESIDEN T ........... Myrna Kielly SECRETARY-TREASURER . . Janice Shaw

The Grand Tracadie Home and School Association had been in operation since 1962. From 1980 on, Stanhope and Grand Tracadie Schools have been “Twinned”; grades 1, 2 and 3 at Stanhope, and grades 4, 5 and 6 at Grand Tracadie. It was decided that the Home and School Associations should be amalgamated; on March 24, 1980 the first joint meeting of the Stanhope and Grand Tracadie Home and School Associations was held, and in the fall of that year the two associations were amalgamated.

The Stanhope-Grand Tracadie Home and School Association meets on the first Monday of every second month; the membership fee is $3.00 per family. Weekly card parties are held at Grand Tracadie School, with proceeds to the school libraries. Donations of new or used books for the libraries are being made by area residents. New swings have been constructed for the Stanhope School playground, and old equipment renovated, with the help of a grant from the North Shore Community, matched by the Home and School Association. Officers of the Stanhope-Grand Tracadie Home and School Association in 1984 were:

PRESIDENT ................. Mr. William Weatherbie VICE-PRESIDEN T ........... Mrs. Dorothy Johnston SECRETARY-TREASURER . . Mrs. Irma McQuillan

Brackley-Stanhope-Dalvay Tourist Association

In 1961 the Stanhope Beach Development Association was formed to further the interest in tourism in the Stanhope area. The first annual meeting was held at the Queen Hotel in Charlottetown in the spring of 1962, with an attendance of 70 members; Jack Proude was President and Grove MacMillan, Treasurer. The executive elected for the coming season was as follows: President, Tom Lothian; Vice-President, Harry MacLauchlan; Secretary, Dorothy Douglas; Treasurer, Grove

' MacMillan; Directors, Mrs. Gordon Shaw, Edward MacCallum, Jack Proude, Jean Reed, Raoul Reymond, Reagh Bagnall, Wilson Ross, and Blanche Campbell. At some time prior to 1968, the name was changed to "Brackley-Stanhope-Dalvay Tourist Association”, the better to represent the districts involved.

Businesses from all the North Shore districts are represented in the membership, including accommodations, such as hotels, motels, housekeeping and overnight cottages, campsites and tourist homes; and ancillary businesses such as eating establishments, grocery stores, service stations, gift shops, deep sea fishing, fresh fish