AFTER CHURCH UNION We want, we want, a preacher for the churches in Covehead , A man inclined to godliness and not to money wed, A minister to fill the place where clergymen have stood And fasten with a close embrace our fractious neighborhood We want a classic scholar with Greek and Latin fraught Well posted in the doctrines that both Knox and Wesley taught And such a one as Paul describes ??? mild, patient, apt to teach Who will constrain the stay-at- homes to go and hear him preach His walk and conversation must be the very best ??? Abstinence from tobacco, gossip, frolic, song and jest; To show the people how to live above all grime and smirch And forbid the whiskey bottle to the members of the church. We want a faithful pastor who '11 exercise his care Over the church and Sunday School by calling everywhere, If any of the fold are sick he must divine the fact, If any stray from virtue's path he must rebuke the act. Preaching three times on Sunday, prayer meetings through the week A bible-class andEpworth League at which of course he'll speak Some weddings and some funerals engagements such as these Will keep a man quite busy and not leave him too much ease His wife must be an organist, able to sing and pray And conduct the women's meetings in a strictly business way, And if he suits in other things be?? sides these mentioned here We'll pay $600 without dunning, every year. 176