PRINCE EDWARD ISLE The sun shines pleasantly all day long, The sweet flowers bloom and the wild birds sing In a land where sea-breezes and breath of pines Throw a healthful spell over everything; Where is that land like to Eden fair, That plenty crowns with her choicest smile And fortune beams on the dwellers there? ‘Tis my native land — Prince Edward Isle.
Behold her sitting a stately queen
In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, whose white-capped waves Dance in their frolicksome play at her feet
Which the ebb and flow of the water leaves;
Rolling and tossing in ceaseless swell
Oh, if aught on earth can your cares beguile
‘Tis a blissful luxurious morning dip
In the sparkling waters of Prince Edward Isle.
There are subjects for picture or song or book
In the land where the prospects fail not to please; There, the trout in the rivers await your hook, Here, the luscious sweets of the honey bees; Strawberries smothered in Ayrshire cream,
And the fatted calf in the stall erstwhile,
And sweets for the palate not elsewhere seen
In the Gulf’s fair garden — Prince Edward Isle.
There are glorious sunsets and moonlight nights And sunrise splendors — all grandly fair — Each as it comes brings some new delight
And the Sabbath calls to the house of prayer. Birds sing you a lullaby sweet at eve
For your care-free slumbers —— a truce to toil And the breezes that fan you seem angels ’ wings In your blissful dreams on’Prince Edward Isle.
Ho! ye who toil in the world’s great marts
Child, youth, and matron and man of care
Till the tired brain swims and the pulses start Come away where the breezes are fresh and fair Where the maple leaf crowns the verdant hills And the valleys with harvest laugh out and smile And peace and plenty her broad lap fills
Best spot of creation — Prince Edward Isle.
Samuel Hill
Covehead, P.E.I.