At the annual meeting of the Stanhope Hall Company on January 28, 1937 it was decided to move the Hall to its present location in West Covehead near Marshall's Pond. The land required was bought from Wilfred MacDonald for $20, by a deed of conveyance dated November 15, 1937. In March, 1937 the Hall was taken apart and moved in four sections to the new site; James and Walter MacLauchlan used horse and sleigh for this operation. Robert Brown , carpenter, of , worked for the month of April putting the Hall together again. Once more, funds for this work were raised by putting on plays, concerts, socials and suppers; Women 's Institute groups donated as well. The three communities of Stanhope , West Covehead and were all using the Hall at this time. In 1943 Ira Carr was appointed to negotiate with Maritime Electric to have electric lighting installed, and in 1948 the first ton of coal was bought for the Hall; previously only wood had been used for heating. At this time the rental fee for hall use was $3.50 for community affairs and $6.00 for outsiders. At the annual meeting in 1951 the name was changed from the Stanhope Hall Co . to the Stanhope- Hall Co.; and in 1953 it was further changed to the Stanhope-Covehead Community Hall Company . Fire insurance was increased to $1000 at this time and Frank Hughes was the janitor, paid $2.50 each time he opened the Hall for some event. A new stage was built in 1953, and repairs were made to the kitchen. A new stove was purchased and the hall insulated; fire insurance was increased to $2000. In 1955 it was decided to enlarge the hall by adding 10 feet to the front end; the three districts put on concerts to pay the expenses. At this time the trustees were: for West Covehead , Leith MacKinnon (chairman) and Lome MacMillan ; for Stanhope , Lloyd Shaw and Alvin MacLauchlan ; and for , Harold MacDonald and Seymour Birt ; Albert Reed was Secretary and Frank Hughes Janitor . New hardwood floors were laid in the main hall in 1957, and a ladies' rest room built at the back of the kitchen. The hall rental was raised from $3.50 to $5.00 in 1958, the rent for affairs originating outside the community being $10.00. 1961 saw women elected as trustees for the first time: Beth Ellis, Doreen Maclnnis and Jean Reed , with Victor Deacon , Harold MacDonald , Leith MacMillan and Alvin MacLauchlan were the trustees this year; Leith MacKinnon was President and Secretary - Treasurer . This year a sign, "Stanhope- Covehead Community Hall" was erected outside on the front of the hall. It was decided to hold card parties on the first Thursday of each month with the three Women 's Institutes providing lunches; admission to the card parties was 50$. 181