year to $10,000 on the building with $2,000 on the contents. In 1976, for the first time two auditors for the financial report were appointed, the first ones being Arnold Vriends and Bill Cameron.
Next year the Hall received $1000 from the North Shore Com- munity Improvement Committee, for improvements to the hall at the trustees’ discretion; part ($459) was spent on repairs to the kitchen roof. David MacKinnon succeeded Vic Deacon as Chairman of trustees; these were Beth Ellis, George Shaw, Gayle MacDonald, Sterling Younker, Harvey MacDonald and Ray Wildsmith; the Treasurer was Bob Storring, Secretary Doreen MacInnis, Auditors Lawrence Quick and Ray Wildsmith, and Ira Marshall continued as Janitor.
In 1978 a new vapour light was installed in front of the building. The rental structure was now: W.I. oriented, $5.00; non-W.I. but in the community, $10.00; the same but using the kitchen facilities, $15.00; and outside the community, $30.00.
At the annual meeting on November 12, 1980 a number of concerns were voiced: —
The Hall trying to operate on a deficit.
Usage of Hall.
Lack of publicity to residents and lack of circulated agendas. Lack of interest, low attendance at meetings.
Inconsistent fee structure.
Proper nomination of officers.
The use or non- use of parliamentary procedure at Hall meetings.
At this point, parliamentary procedure broke down, the Chairman resigned, a state of 1mpasse was reached and the meeting adjourned, to be followed by an emergency meeting of district residents. A planning meet of trustees took place first, to discuss the future of the Hall, and whether to approach the 0.1.0. with a View to their admi- nistering the financial affairs of the Hall. Trustees present were Gayle MacDonald, Sterling Younker, George Shaw, Beth Ellis, Harvey MacDonald, Bob Storring, Doreen MacInnis and David MacKinnon. Hall bookings were taken over by Bob Storring, who also agreed to chair the emergency meeting, which was held on December 1, 1980. 32 residents attended —— Stanhope 13, West Covehead 13, Covehead Road 8. David MacKinnon resigned by letter as Chairman of trustees and manager. A secret ballot was taken on whether to approach the C.I.C. re financial administration — 24 yes, 8 no. A committee of 3 persons from each of the 3 communities was elected to amend the 1922 constitution and bring in a financial statement.
STAN HOPE: Clifford Shaw, Alvin MacLauchlan, Wallace Reid.
WE ST COVEHEAD: Gayle MacDonald, Bob Storring, Bill Vanderaa.
COVE HEAD ROAD: Harvey MacDonald, Doreen MacInnis, Raymond Birt.