Chairman: Bob Storring, unanimously elected. Secretary: Doreen MacInnis.

The committee members were each responsible for checking the Hall on one day of the week. The hall committee met on January 9, 1981, and decisions made:

1. Card parties to continue, with each community responsible for one tournament. Each W.I. to provide lunches, and receive the profits

from one card party. 2. The 0.1.0 to be approached with a request for $1000 (which they

donated). 3. The 1922 constitution was amended (see hall minute book).

This year the first lobster supper in aid of the hall was held. Lobsters, paper products and groceries were purchased, and the three W.I.s provided salads, rolls and biscuits, pies, squares and 12 workers; each W.I. was reimbursed $50, for food for 125 persons. The supper was a great success and $975.56 was cleared, which made the painting of the hall by Andy Morrow possible.

It was noted at this time that a number of repairs to the hall were needed, (porch foundation, window sills, old back kitchen, heating system), and that Stanhope School may be available in the future.

At the October, 1981 annual meeting the rental fee structure was reviewed and increases were made:

O W.I. sponsored —— $7.50 0 N on-W.I. sponsored but in the community $15.00 0 Community but charging admission $22.50. 0 Add $5.00 if the kitchen facilities are used. 0 Outside the community, not charging admission $45.00 0 Youth groups (Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides, Brownies, C.G.I.T.). may use the hall at no charge. At this meeting officers were elected on a rotating basis: 3 year term STAN HOPE ....................... Clifford Shaw WEST COVEHEAD ................ Bob Storring COVEHEAD ROAD ................ Doreen MacInnis 2 year term STANHOPE ....................... Wallace Reid WEST COVEHEAD ................ Marion Youland COVEHEAD ROAD ................ Pat Morrison 1 year term —— STANHOPE ....................... Alvin MacLauchlan WEST COVEHEAD ................ Gayle MacDonald COVEHEAD ROAD ................ Irma McQuillan

CHAIRMAN Bob Storring TREASURER Wallace Reid SECRETARY Pat Morrison

A cribbage tournament was organised this year, with a $10.00 entry fee per team and money prizes; coffee and donuts were served

and it was a great success. In 1982 fourteen beautiful solid mahogany-topped card tables

were made by Clifford Shaw, to replace the old rickety tables. The