cost was $32.00 each, for a total of $448.00, and the 14 were paid for by donations from the three Women’s Institutes, firms and residents. The C.I.C. donated $500.00 toward hall expenses this year. The fire insurance on the hall was raised to $30,000 with $5,000 on the con- tents, together with liability insurance up to $500,000; all with H.L. Sear Insurance Ltd. Another very successful lobster supper was held in June of this year; the financial balance this year was $1,116.64, and it was pointed out that the hall rentals for 1981 totalled $102,50, while this year (1982) they amounted to $1,254.00. At this time Alvin MacLauchlan, Gayle MacDonald and Irma McQuillan were elected for 3 year terms of office, the other directors to continue for another year.

A kindergarten for pre-schoolers was organised in 1983, beginning in March and running for 12 weeks, from 9 to 11:30 a.m., with a qualified teacher and parents’ co-operation. Approximately 18 children attended; the total minimum payment to the hall being $18.00 per week. The Department of Health and Social Services required up-grading of the hall facilities on account of the kindergarten. This necessitated putting in another washroom with toilet and wash basin, and mechanical ventilation, and a three-compartment sink and a hand- wash basin, with a hot water heater, in the kitchen. A donation of $1000 was requested, and given, from the C.I.C. to assist with these renovations, and a government grant was applied for, under the non- commercial establishment up-grading program. Proceeds from this year’s lobster supper amounted to $1,713.90. Other renovations completed in 1983 include a new light and switch in the back kitchen, with new linoleum on the floor, and new carpeting in the main entrance; the stage was wallpapered, and new carpet installed on the stage floor and on the passage way and steps on each side of the stage. The hardwood floor in the main hall was sanded and given several coats of polyurethane varnish, and the card table tops were similarly treated; the labour for this and some interior painting was donated by William McTague. Outdoors, a new 750 gallon septic tank, and field tile, was installed, and fenced around. A storage cabinet was built in the kitchen, and the kitchen window screened. A new solid core door at the front entrance completed the renovations.

Full use is made of the hall these days, with youth groups, card parties, cribbage, and meetings of all kinds; it is a great asset for our community, which is grateful to the Chairman and committee for the reorganisation and up-grading of the hall over the past few years.

On December 22, 1983 Wallace Reid was presented with a plaque by the Women’s Institutes of Stanhope, West Covehead and Covehead Road, in recognition of his dedicated work for the hall.