Maurice Fitzpatrick , Linus Misener , Hubie Morrison, Norbie Morrison, Gerard Mitchell and Philip Arbing . This team represented the general North Shore area, and for many years was the top team in the league and one of the best on the Island. The League continued for several years with com?? munity teams from the area. The Stanhope teams of that time would include such players as: Archie Chappell , Calvin Chappell , Ted Hucz, David Misener , Don Ellis , Gordon Ellis and Eddie Power . Interest eventually declined in the men's community league, and a league was made up of school teams from Stanhope , , Grand Tracadie and Millcove . This league remained active for about three years. Members of the Stanhope teams included: Donnie and Ronnie Johnston, Calvin Chappell , Don, Gordie, Howard and Allison Ellis, Jim Horgan , Merrill McCabe , Blair, Alan and Robert Mac - Lauchlan , Roger MacLauchlan and David Misener . The Stanhope team won the championship the last year the league was in operation. The Frank Bradley Trophy can still be found in Bruce Ellis ' Stanhope Service Station. Many of the players moved on to play with the Cee Bees in the City League, and this caused the failure of the school league, marking the end of softball as a weekend activity in the . However, in 1970, the members of the City League team were permitted to use the old Go- as the site of a community ball diamond. The team rented a bulldozer to clear the land of pavement, and the community once again had its own softball diamond. The team name was changed to the Covehead Cee Bees, new uniforms were purchased, and all home games were played at the new . Members of the Covehead Cee Bees at that time were: Gordon, Allison and Howard Ellis, Fred and Frank Morrison, Eddie and Joe Reardon, Billy Weatherbie, Len Ellsworth , Kevin Martin, Jim Horgan , Merrill McCabe and Gerard Watts . The Covehead Cee Bees provided the area with several provincial championships; they won the first Island Open Tournament in 1970, were Island C Champions in 1971, Island Senior B Champions in 1973, and Island C Champions in 1974. The 1974 team was the last Cee Bee team made up of players entirely from the Covehead area. Several members of the Cee Bees also participated in national competition; Howard Ellis and Frank Morrison played with an All Star team from P.E.I , at the first Games in Halifax in 1967. The local Cee Bees team lost the Island Senior Championship , and with it the right to represent the Island in the National Senior competition in Edmonton in 1973, to the Sports- mans Club. In 1976 Gordon Ellis , Joe Reardon , Fred and Frank Morrison all played on the Tack Room Cee Bees when they represented P.E.I , in the Canadian Senior Men 's Championships held in Niagara 189