season of operation is 15 May to 15 October. The club sponsors tournaments for the membership, which comprises local and summer residents and visiting tourists. As well as the club tournaments, there are an increasing number of outside tournaments held here each season.
In Meacham’s Atlas of 1880, an article on John C. Leitch of Stanhope notes that “... he owns the beautiful farm of Glencorse, where he has fitted up an excellent house for the accommodation of summer tourists, and it would be difficult to conceive of any place better calculated to meet all the rational wants of the summer pleasurer seeker.” Now, one-hundred years later, the Stanhope golf course is situated on this same property, and continues to achieve these same high ideals, both to the benefit of the “summer pleasure seeker” and those of us who like just to feast our eyes on the view. Second only to the National Park, which preserved access to our beaches, the Stanhope Golf Course has contributed immensely to the enhancement of our way of life without detracting from our environ- ment.
Beach Tennis Club
A committee consisting of Gordon and Helen MacDonald, Alan Scales, John Craig, Andrew Likely and Barbara MacMillan met during 1976 to consider the feasibility of building a tennis court in the Stanhope area. Location, membership and costs were discussed; an estimated 20 families willing to subscribe $1000 each were needed to finance the building of the proposed courts. With 12 families com- mitted, construction began on land owned by Gordon MacDonald in July, 197 6, and the courts were completed by the end of August, 1976.
In March, 1977 a Constitution and By-Laws were drawn up, and in September, 1977 the Beach Tennis Club, Stanhope was incor- porated. The first executive, elected in 197 7, was:
PRESIDENT ................. Alan Scales VICE-PRESIDENT ........... Andrew Likely SECRETARY ................ Barbara J. MacMillan TREASURER ................ Ernest Brennan
The Beach Tennis Club has provided an excellent social and recreational activity to summer resident member families under Gordon MacDonald as Development Chairman, with planned pro- grams and matches under the management of Mickey Brennan, Tournament Chairman.
The Covehead Race Track
The Covehead Race Track Company, Ltd., was incorporated in March, 1946, with directors Charles F. Willis, Sterling Willis and Harold