?:???: ?????????; -j's-*'.???.-???**-^???;???????????? "Glencorse'???Summer Resort-Res.of John C.Leitch , Gtanhope,Lot 34-. Gfencorse Meacham's 1880 Atlas courts and campgrounds. The Stanhope peninsula, once composed of five farms of 200 acres each (as shown on a map of 1790), is now divided into approximately 450 cottage lots, with about 200 summer residents; there is just one piece of farm land left, of 27 acres. This represents a fundamental change in Stanhope 's way of life and economy ??? the triumph of tourism over agriculture. Accommodations Considering now our resort hotels, "Glencorse" began as the farm home of the Leitch family. Neil Leitch , a ship's carpenter from the West of Scotland , owned 93 acres at the head of ; he farmed, built ships, and also a farm house. His son John C. Leitch operated the farm home as a summer resort, named Glencorse, which was highly esteemed: ??? ... is one of the most beautiful spots in in the summer season. It has unrivalled advantages and attractions as a summer watering place. At Glencorse Mr. Leitch has fitted up an excellent house for the accommodation of summer tourists and it would be difficult to conceive of any place better calculated to meet all the rational wants of the summer pleasure seeker. {MeachanCs Atlas, 1880). A similar establishment was that of David Carr of Stanhope , who... advertised for a share of this patronage this season, and receives guests in his farm home. {The Patriot, June 29,1878). Mutch's Hotel: Seaside Inn In 1889 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mutch engaged a Mr. Pickering , from the Kensington area, to build a summer resort hotel on their property at Stanhope ; this property, at the Point, was previously owned by Mrs. Mutch 's father, Alex MacMillan . The new hotel was a three- 215