Mutc Hotel (later Seasz eInn) built 889 C. Blatch coll. storey building with 15 bedrooms on the second and third floors, while the ground floor contained sitting rooms, dining room and kitchen. Francis (Frank) Mutch and his wife Annabella MacMillan were assisted in the operation of their hotel by their son Francis Alexander Allan Mutch — “Allie” — and after his marriage in 1909, by his wife Elizabeth Lamont, who lived at the hotel until 1914, when she and her husband moved to Charlottetown. Elizabeth had taught at Stanhope School in 1904-5, and she and Allie returned to Stanhope later, to enjoy their summer cottage, the first in the area. She had a hotel register for the Mutch Hotel dating from 1892 to 1914, with the names of visitors from all across Canada and the United States. She told of meeting the trains at York, Royalty Junction and Charlottetown, and the bOat from Boston to Charlottetown, to pick up guests for the hotel; a pair of horses and a buggy were used, with a third horse behind, to take care of extra baggage. As well as visitors “from away”, Charlottetown people would come for the day, putting up their horses in the coach house, where they were fed oats and hay at 15¢ a feed, and watered at the open well. The guests would go to the beach and then have a meal at the hotel before the return trip to town. Fresh fish from Covehead Harbour was a favourite meal with visitors, and the ‘Mutches raised their own chickens and ducks and grew all the vege- tables for the table in their own garden. Ice was cut in the winter from Frank Auld’s mill-pond and stored in an ice-house, to be used block by block inxan ice chest in the kitchen. The cold basement was also used to store food.