hand-operated washing machines, using homemade soap put up by the caretaker's wife during the winter; bed linen was pressed by putting it through a mangle. We have been asked, "Where did the hotel obtain its liquor during prohibition days?" We have a shipping manifest, made out in French, dated le 7 septembre 1927, from Port St. Pierre, St. Pierre et Miquelon, for a consignment of ... liqueurs divers, destination Haute Mer, HightSea (sic) and signed by Angus Jarvis , " capitaine du navire Bluenose." Angus was the nephew of Dan Jarvis , caretaker at the hotel, so this may answer the above question, but it does not explain how Angus got his cargo past the Mounties who regularly watched Covehead Harbour . Mail delivery in summer was by a horse-drawn vehicle, and in winter by dogsled across the bay (see the MacLeod family history). Transportation of boarders to and from York railway station was by horse and coach, or buggy, with two horses, "Pete" and "Nellie". Eventually a car was purchased, with Jimmy Horgan hired as chauffeur. Later, too, there was a 32-volt power plant, with storage batteries, operated by a gasoline engine. Power was taken from the batteries, and when the lights began to dim, the caretaker would rush out at once and start up the engine. Caretakers over the years at the Point include, besides Dan Jarvis and his wife Maggie, such names as: ??? Miss Mary Bailey ( Mrs. John Marks ), Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacKinnon , Mr. and Mrs. Barney McCabe , Mr. and Mrs. Syd (Celestin) Gauthier, Mr. Alexander MacLauchlan , Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gallant , Mr. and Mrs. Horace Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell . On the cliff edge, behind the hotel, are two range lights, used as navigational aids by fishermen entering Covehead Harbour (see the chapter on Fishing). The government paid rent to the hotel owners for these lights, and for accommodation for the keepers of the lights; in winter they slept in the log house, and in summer in one of the barns. Keepers of the lights included: ??? Alex MacMillan , John A. Kielly , Jim McCabe , Herb Kielly , Tommy McCabe, Lloyd Bell , Angus Jarvis , Wendell Kielly , Barney McCabe . Nowadays, Stanhope Beach Lodge has been extensively mo?? dernised while retaining the old-time atmosphere of an Inn which has been welcoming guests for almost a century and a half. The Lodge still has its antique furnishings, with Victorian armchairs, bureaux, and commodes in most rooms, of which there are 48: 31 in the Lodge, together with 17 motel units. The latest addition to Stanhope Beach Lodge is Captain Dicks ' Restaurant and Pub, with the Rum-runners' Lounge ( Captain Dicks was a noted rum-runner). A great attraction for both residents and tourists is the Lobster Smorgasbord ??? "all you 223