cottage per night. Subsequent owners include Jack Fall , Arthur and Hazel Affleck; and Sam Nicholson of Toronto (operated as Cottages by Nicholson's brother-in-law Les Gillespie). The present owner is Perry Hurst with only the lodge remaining on the property. Towards the eastern end of the , Maude (Ross) Shaw, wife of Louis Shaw , bought a Vi-acre of land from Arthur Shaw in 1942, and a further fifth of an acre from Lloyd Shaw in 1948; she built a cottage beside the original " Sir Louis bungalo" (from the verse A Requiem), and operated a tourist business for a number of years, until about 1965. She died in 1968 and the property is now owned by her nephew Ross Downe . Also on the , Wyllie and Marjorie Allan bought five successive parcels of land from John Arch MacLauchlan between 1939 and 1948, just to the west of Pilgrim Cabins. They built three cottages and a two-storey house, standing well back from the road, painted white with green trim, and looking very neat; Allandale Cottages were deservedly popular with tourists. After Dr. Allan died in 1980, the business was operated by his son J.W. Allan of Mississauga, Ontario , who sold the property to Kent Lannan in 1983. On the side, Percy J. Proude bought 2Va acres of land in 1944 from Arthur Shaw and built a summer cottage; he purchased more land in 1949 from Lloyd Shaw , and a tourist rental business was started, with several cottages, and a small store, moved from the front of Horace Marshall 's property; this store was previously operated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul . Jack Proude , Percy's son, continued to run the cottage business after his father's death. He also bought 8 acres of land from Lloyd Shaw in 1960, and this was divided into 36 cottage lots: Proude's sub-division. Jack Proude was the first President of the Stanhope Beach Development Association (later the Brackley-Stanhope-Dalvay Tourist Association). Around 1970 some of the rental cottages were moved; the remaining ones, and the 2 V 2 acres on which they stood, were sold to Robert Simpson , who built cottages to replace those moved; in the fall of 1978 he sold the property with 5 cottages to Mrs. Kirsten Connor. She had two cottages moved from Rustico and five from "Ebb Tide" in Stanhope . This tourist operation is known as Kirsten 's Summerhouses, the Danish equivalent of "summer cottages", and consists of twelve housekeeping cottages. Mrs. Connor , who is Danish, has had guests from many countries; one family from , having come each summer for three years, this time left their barbecue behind,... ready for next year ??? they have evidently got the Stanhope "repeat-visit" habit. Most of Kirsten 's guests are families who like the peace and quiet of Stanhope ; an exception was a lady from Ireland who wished for an arcade and amusement park right on the beach. 231