to demand for extra accommodation in Stanhope during peak season, Harry and Marjorie opened their four-bedroom home to tourists during the summer of 1957, followed in 1960 by the construction of five housekeeping cottages on their 2-acre home lot. Now in their 25th season of operation, these cottages have been inhabited by people from near and far; some as distant as Europe and Australia, many returning regularly each year, and several buying property in the area for their retirement, or to spend their whole summers at Stanhope . Along with their parents, the five MacLauchlan children looked forward to the yearly visitors, finding playmates, establishing friendships and also learning first hand just how much sweat is in a dollar, as they helped with the extra chores involved in operating a small business. During the 15-year period, 1963-1978, when the MacLauchlans built and operated an 85-unit motel in Charlottetown , the cottage operation had the capable assistance of a sister-in-law, Violet MacLauchlan , and neighbours, Thelma Douglas and Mary Kielly , who performed as if they held a vested interest in the operation. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement! Single Cottages There are a number of single cottages for rent in Stanhope . The winterised " Lawson Cottage " is in the centre of the village, on the ; "Mom's Cottage ", owned by Harry and Annie Mellish, is on ; and George and Janey Shelfoon 's Driftwood Cottage is on MacMillan Lane . All the others are located on the ; these include Chappell's, on the Parkview Development sub?? division; Asprey's, James', Curley's and Dow's; Beryl and Barry MacMillan's and Everett Wakelin 's cottages; Johnston's cottage on Warren's Road; and " Haven Cottage " (Aldrich), originally the Rogers -Morrow cottage. Camping Apart from the large (25 acre) Parks Campground, there are several private camping facilities in Stanhope . Road Camping was founded by Keith Jenkins in 1959 on 7 V 2 acres of land bought from Dr. James E . Blanchard, and is now operated by Mr. Jenkins ' son David. This is a quiet family campground, with 60 unserviced campsites; 40, 2-way and 12, 3-way hook-ups. The Campground ("Peace and Tranquility") with access off that lane, is owned by Sterling MacKay , who bought 40 acres of Hudson land from Mrs. Rachel Tillson around 1969; there are 40 unserviced campsites and 12, 2-way hook-ups. 235