Further west along the Bayshore Road, the Warren Duchemins bought 2 acres from Rupert Ross in 1936 and built a cottage with their own hands. Until this was sold to Mrs. C.W.V. McCutcheon in 1978, the Duchemins were the “longest living cottagers” in Stanhope, a title now held by Helen and Gordon MacDonald. The D.R.H. Shaw cottage was also built in 1936, on land bought through H.K.S. Hemming from the Lawson estate. This cottage was built by Larry Marshall, who at that time lived in the old white farmhouse behind (now owned by David Jenkins). The cottage was enlarged in 1940, and in 1947 was occupied by Herb Shaw's son Dr. J. Harold Shaw, and family; it is now owned by Alan and Patsy (Shaw) Scales.

On the Gulf side, apart from Dr. Blanchard’s and Mr. Stewart’s, the earliest cottages were those built by Mamie Drew, Jack Webster and George R. Brady; the latter built his cottage on a lot purchased from John Arch and Edward MacLauchlan in 1936. The same year Jack Webster, a Charlottetown businessman, bought 2 acres from Rupert Ross and built a cottage, later owned by George (Bus) Peake, who sold it in 1962 to the Hon. R.R. and Mrs. Bell; in 1969 the Bells built their year-round home next to the cottage, which is now used for summer guests. Mamie Drew also bought from Rupert Ross, in 1937, and built the cottage known as “Whispering Pines”, now owned by Wendell Barbour; she purchased an adjacent lot from James C. Lawson, on which a cottage was constructed, later sold to Morley Bell of Summerside, a brother-in-law of Marcus Calder; in 1965 he sold to Helena and R.R. Bell, who in turn sold in 1967 to Stewart Williams, the present owner. Among other early cottages on what is now called Ross Lane is that of Gordon and Helen MacDonald, built in 1940, and noted for having the first flush toilet among Stanhope cottages; it is now occupied in the summer by their daughter and, son-in-law, Wayne and Ron Storey. Gordon’s son David MacDonald and wife Sandra have a cottage (moved from Kiloran Lodge) on the lot behind the original cottage. Gordon and Helen now have a beautiful pine log cottage, “Skye”, on the Bayshore Road, on land bought from Hector and Deanna MacDougall. The Earle Bakers built their cottage between the MacDonalds and the Peakes; this was later sold to Sherman and Claire Hirst of Hyde Park, N.Y.. Between “Windermere” and the present Bell property is a lot originally bought by Warren Duchemin from John Arch MacLauchlan in 1945, and sold to Dr. Lemuel and Pauline Prowse, who in turn sold the land to Lemuel’s parents, the Hon. T.W.L. and Mrs. Prowse, in 1950. The Prowse family cottage was built shortly afterwards, andis still in the family possession. Another cottage in this area was built by Dr. W.H. Soper in 1951 on land bought from Mary Ellen MacLauchlan; it is now owned by Dr. James McAdam of ,Peterborough, Ont.. Further inland,