on the lane now called "Seaman's Road", F. Rundell and Jean Seaman bought 3 acres in May, 1946, from John Arch MacLauchlan , and built first a garage, in which they lived during that summer, and later a cottage. This account of some of the earlier Stanhope cottages, though incomplete, may serve to give some idea of the way land changed hands from the 1930s on. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider the more recent and present owners of lots and cottages; however, in the appendix will be found lists of property owners under the headings of the original farms. Rosebud Cottage Mention must be made of Aunt Em MacMillan's Rosebud Cottage . It was situated almost at the tip of the Stanhope peninsula, opposite the entrance to Lodge, and named for the pink and red roses growing round it. We are much indebted to Mrs. Gordon (Helen) MacDonald, who has given us a delightful account of summer holidays at Rosebud Cottage , where Aunt Em ( Mrs. James MacMillan ) used to rent her small farmhouse to about eight girls from Charlottetown , the arrangements being made by their parents. Aunt Em, no relation to any of the girls, called them her "Rosebuds", and they included, besides Helen MacDonald , her sister Wayne ( Mrs. Charles Lorway ), and their cousins Janet and Margaret Home, Esther Rattenbury , Ruth Stewart ( Mrs. Harry Younker ), Betty Hall , Margaret Mutch , and Cora Nicholson . The Rosebuds enjoyed ??? 50-odd years ago ??? ... endless swims, long leisurely rambles on the beach, clam digging, beach-combing, wiener and corn roasts, bonfires on the beach with marshmallow toasting..., quoted from Helen MacDonald , who goes on to explain, ... Today kids go abroad, but in our day nice girls had to have a chaperone., Aunt Em was the perfect chaperone. She liked young people. She had a lively sense of humour, always a little twinkle in the eye, a little joke. And best of all, she went to bed with the birds, about 7 p.m.. Perfect! This was just about the time the local swains came to call after milking time, or the city boys, (including Gordon MacDonald ), arrived with their fathers' cars... The gang used to gather in Aunt Em's sun porch with its tiny canteen, its walls papered with a wide assortment of the various chocolate-bar wrappers of the day. (Aunt Em used to serve homemade ice cream from this porch). Other features of Rosebud Cottage were ... the little parlour with its stiff black horse-hair upholstered settee and prim straight-backed chairs ... the cosy atmosphere of the glorious kitchen wood stove with its unfor?? gettable aroma... the pump, and the outdoor two-holer! At bedtime the Rosbuds ... mounted a narrow steep old-fashioned staircase to our bedrooms, two or three to a room, tucking away in 240