Here are some summer residents opinions: —
I am very fond of swimming, of beaches, and of meeting people of all walks of life, and where better could I fulfil my ambition to secure
all of the above than on the North Share in Stanhope? (Stewart Williams)
That bay, sometimes as calm as a mirror, sometimes with white-
caps, is a picture of nevenending beauty the green fields on the far share, the red banks below. (Harry Younker)
The greatest charm of Stanhope is its unchanging rural beauty. It
is like stepping back into one’s uncomplicated childhood to return there. (Catherine Orne)
There is a kind of continuity and stability about a place like
Stanhope that is becoming increasingly rare in our restless world. (Wayne Lorway)
The list of likes goes on; one thing mentioned by all the summer
residents was the warm welcome given them by the Stanhope folk. Here are some quotations from letters: —
The cheerful courtesy and goodwill of the permanent residents.
How well-integrated the summer visitors are with the local people who really made us feel at home.
We are all friends as well as neighbours we have made life-long friends.
The neighbours are all so friendly and nice, and you seem to be so welcome, no matter where you visit.
One of Stanhope ’s greatest assets is the people of the community. The genuine warmth and hospitality of our Island friends
We found this a very close-knit community of highly respected and friendly people who always have time for a friendly word and are eager to help a neighbour or stranger in any way.
May I say how grateful and thankful we are as ‘city slickers’ for the warm and hospitable manner in which we have been accepted by the fine citizens and friends of one of the most delightful parts of our Island Paradise — Stanhope. (Hon. Gordon Bennett)
Note: there is nothing like blowing one’s own trumpet, but as one who is “from away”, and only an Islander by adoption, I can heartily endorse all these tributes to Stanhope’s people.