“On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand”
In memory of William Herbert eldest son of David and Derenda McGregor died July 27, 1875 age 5yrs 11 mths 27 days
In memory of Colin Leitch son of David and Derenda McGregor died Aug. 23, 1875 age 1 yr 7 mos 12 days
In memory of Isabella Amelia eldest daughter of David and Derenda McGregor died May 27, 1873 age 1 yr 9 mos 15 days
In memory of Benjamin Hughes died Nov. 24, 1908 age 87 His wife Charlotte Pye died Jan. 27, 1901 aged 80
In memory ofJohn Hughes died May 24, 1877 aged 84
Alexander Father A t Res t Mother In memory of Also his wife Francis Alexander Annie Brodie died May 11, 1880 died Aug. 12, 1896 aet 72 aet 83
George Alexander son of Francis Alexander Sept. 29, 1838 - Feb. 5, 1914 Also his wife Isabella Percival Feb. 10, 1834 - Sept. 20, 1911
“I am the resurrection and the life” Emma Louise Strong Oct. 22, 1875 -Dec. 31, 1943, wife of G. Herbert Alexander
G. Herbert Alexander Apl. 28, 1868 - Nov. 26, 1954 “Missionaries in India ”
Kielly Father Robert Kielly Born Aug. 2, 1819Died Jan. 5, 1913 Age 96 yrs 6 mos “Thy trial ended Thy rest won”
Mother His wife Mary Murphy Born May 1, 1830 Died Feb. 20, 1894 Age 63 yrs 9 mos “Farewell dear Mother, sweet thy rest”
Sacred to the memory of John B. McMillan who departed this life June 1848 aged 51 yrs
“Weep not dear friends for him you love,
Weep not on his tomb,
The flesh tho’ in corruption soon,
Immortal yet will bloom ”
Lank Robert P. Lank 1841-1920 ’ Also his wife Sarah E. Hughes 1887-1944 “God is Love”
In memory of Lavinia R.A. died April 4, 1898 aged 2 yrs 10 mos Irving S. died March 18, 1892 Children of RP. and SE. Lank “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God ”
HilbertDavison Lank Aug. 6, 1888 - Nov. 3, 1981