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“On the western coast he lived and toiled Quietly returning to his native soil”
LANK Death came as the result of a fire
Father Albert Edward (Willard) Mother M illicentJ ean (Minnie) Nov. 9, 1901 -Jan. 18, 1982 Dunsford Sept. 24, 1897-Jan. 18, 1982 “He gave thee, He took thee, He will restore thee" MacDonald
In Memory of Alexander MacDonald 1853-1933 His wife Frances Wellner 1850-1927 Their son William A. 1882-1900
In memory of Matthew Hudson died Feb. 28, 1911 aged 68
“The Lord is Good, the Lord is Kind, Great is His grace, His mercy sure, And the whole race of man shall find, His truth from age to age endure”
In memory ofAnn Hudson died April 11, 1910 age 80 yrs Joanna Hudson died Oct. 4, 1910 age 65 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”
In Memory of William Hudson died Dec. 1, 1900 age 67 yrs
Mary Hudson died Jan. 4, 1905 age 73 “Blessed are they, which do- hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled”
Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson M cMas ters died May 9, 1922 (on the north side of Matthew Hudson’s stone)
Susan Hughes wife ofJames Matthew 1848-1927 James Matthew 1853-1936
Moore . Mary Moore wife of George Gill
Stead Our mother Mary wife of William Stead Died Jan. 26, 1865 aged 72 years
In memory of Susannah B. wife of Henry Green Died Dec. 11, 1851 Aet 48 Also their son Thomas died Apl. 24, 1847 age 10 mos
In memory of John A. Douglas died May 21, 1854 Also his wife Mary A. Higgins Died June 15, 1862 Also their daughter Isabella G. Died March 22, 1868 ‘
Higgins In memory of Cornelius Higgins died Apl. 25,‘ 1876 aet 15 yrs 9 mos “Be ye