APPENDIX m Present day summer cottage and cottage lot owners These are listed under the original farms. Rental cottage and camp?? ground owners are not included, as these will be found in the appropriate section of the chapter on Tourism. Stanhope Farm Roger & Winnifred Clark David & Janice Mitton Keith Carmichael & John Beaton Marion Porter & Janet Andrews de Wolfe George Simpson Keith Morrow Gloria Large Freda E. Porter Donald F. Meisner James M. Lee Phyllis & Elsie Hambly Claude Paynter Harvey Livingstone Roland & Shirley Livingstone Teal Sales Ltd. The Shaw Farm Reagh Bagnall Ernest Brennan Stuart Chandler Walter Auld Randolph Trumpler Joseph Revell K.F. Byron Hambly Robert MacLauchlan Alan Drysdale Rev. O.P. Wood & Ben J. MacDonald Aubin Paquet John Boyle Franklin Clarence Jay Brantner & Haslam Kevin Curley Robert Barwise Ross Down Barry Beers Merrill Craswell Jack Smallwood Kevin Devine George Stevenson Jack Ross Clark Innis David Lecky M. F. Hagen Ronald Maloney Doreen Robert F. Nelson Eva F. Wauk Joan Stunden Gerard Burge Keith Carmichael James Lovering Philip Carmody Irene Carmody Gordon Bennett Michael Murphy Roger Birt William Dalziel J.W. Murphy Dr. F.A. MacMillan Dr. L. Duffy Clary Flemming L.M . & M. Callaghan Clarice McTague Louisa MacDonald William J. Doherty Constance de Bold R. & P. Parnall MacDougall Patricia Lee Rawle and Dorothy Singh Philip Rossiter Frank and Mary Bostwick Juanita Flynn Kim Gallant Colleen Maks T. & M. Hansen Phyllis Molony Murray Stevenson Donald Webster Norman Bruce John Spencer Roderick Cameron 259